Jodha takes meal for Maham in the detention. Maham says what are you here for ? She throws the food on the ground in resentment. The plate hits Jodha’s face a little.
Reporter says, Jodha is being generous while Maham is infuriated. Maham shouts take her out. I don’t need her and i don’t depend on her. She is a Ranjwanshi. Ask her to stay in her limits. I am Maham don’t ever come here again.
Reporter says, will Jodha ever be able to lessen Maham’s anger. Maham off screen says, the anger automatically comes when I see Jodha. Jodha says I felt like Maham has a special skin treatment for me. Since I have come in Jalal’s life, she has lost control over him. Jodha says I won’t give up and will keep coming. I will try to soften her heart. Maham says even on this I will say Jodha is jealous of me she is slim and wants me to be fat.